MaxՉs Dream: My adventure began at the Clearwater Dam in Clearbrook MN. I am Max. I started off by drifting down the river. Until I went into a part of the river where there were beavers and bears. I made a beaver friend and l named him Jerry. We played a little bit then I went on my way. I went down the river and made it to Lake Winnipeg. I washed up on shore but a little boy found me. He took me home and he wanted to take a bath with me. I didnՉt like it because he dunked me a bunch of times and it was hurting my paint! A year passed and I was still with the boy. He had learned how to read and he finally read on the bottom of me. It said ՉI am MAX and please put me back in the sea!Չ The boy put me back in the river and I was on my way again. I made it to Hudson Bay. I wanted to go back and play with my beaver friend, Jerry, but I knew I couldn't go and I will always miss him.