Canoe 22RD0359

I am Nightshade. I was thrown in 2022 at the Clearwater River. My goal is to make it to the Atlantic Ocean. Right now I see a beaver dam. I hope that the beaver will not chase me once I get into the water! Wee, here I go! ( a few days later ) Today is April 16, 2022 so far from what I can tell I am in the Red Lake River which is in Grand Forks. Right now it is storming. Whoa whoa! Wait! I just tipped over from the storm and now a frog jumped on me! (one hour later) A storm just stopped and the frog jumped off me and flipped me back up! (the next day) Today I am sure I will make it to the Atlantic ocean. In fact I will make it in a couple hours! Right now I am coming from Hudson Bay. (six hours later) I think I am entering the Atlantic Ocean because I see a walrus. I canՉ€™t believe I made my goal!
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