1. It is a bright sunny day in the spring. A nice little girl is carrying a little canoe called ՉstarshipՉ through a forest in Icelandic. She soon finds a spot in the river and carved a message on starship's side that says Չim starship, please put me back in the water, thank youՉ and lanchis starship into the water. starship peacefully drifts downstream with the river. She sees fox squirrels jumping high up in the oak trees. She sees chipmunks hiding in the herbs. 2. After drifting for a couple hours, Starship can hear the sounds of arka. Arka is not that big, but from starshipՉs angel, it looks huge.On starshipՉs way down the river, She gets stuck on some garbage.
3. After a couple minutes, starship gets picked up by a little boy. The little boy reads the message on her side, moves the garbig, and puts starship back in the water. By now starship is approaching cavalier. She has made good progress from akra. After passing cavalier. starship can hear the sounds of the spring planting. An hour later she reached bathgate. Starship would love to stay and explore Bathgate but has a dream to complete. After Starship passed Bathgate she reached the Pembina river.
4 .Once on the Pembina river. It didnՉt take long for starship to reach pembina. Starship saw white suker fish and northern pike swimming below her. She saw evergreens among the American elk trees. After an hour of drifting down the Pembina river she reached the red river. 5. On the red river she passed enerson and reached winnipeg. in winnipeg starship saw a family of northern leopard frogs who took a ride on starship. She saw a bether swimming in the river. She saw green ash trees and choke cherry trees. After an hour she reached lake winnipeg.
On lake Winnipeg she saw boxelder and iron wood trees. She saw a racoon in the trees. She saw an otter swimming in the lake. Starship got stranded on some trash until a wave pushed her off. After a couple minutes she reached Nelson river. On the Nelson river starship saw some cottonwood trees and some cranberry bushes. She saw a mink in the trees. She saw a fur bear taking a drink from the river. It wasn't long until starship smelt the salt from hudson's bay. She had made it! She had reached her goal. On hudson's bay she saw a polar bear laying on the shore line. She saw a walrus swimming in the bay. She saw mosis and hedges growing on trees.she made it. The end