Canoe 22RD0294

The Չ€œThe CardinalՉ€™sՉ€ journey started after his owner put him in the cold water. Cardinal (the canoe) went through the Tongue River and went by Akra. Then went through Cavalier seeing the slimey Large and Smallmouth bass and saw some forbes. After a little bit, he was going through Bathgate and saw some bittersweet plants. After a while, the Cardinal reached the Pembina River. Cardinal saw the Yellow and White Perch swimming in the warm water. By the time they got to Pembina, Cardinal saw grasses in the prairie and the box elder trees. Later, he reached the Red River. Cardinal traveled in the breezy wind and warm water of the Red and soon got to Emerson. When he reached Emerson he saw some slimy northern and then saw some Sedge. Then after a little bit he got to Winnipeg. There he saw colorful striped bass and many willow trees. In a few hours Cardinal got to Lake Winnipeg. Cardinal saw some cool Short Nose Gar and some woodbine. As he traveled through Lake Winnipeg he saw some weird Fathead Minnows soaring by the Coniferous Trees. Meanwhile, Cardinal got to the Nelson River where he saw some Blue Crab roaming in the water and on the warm sand by some Bur Oak which had some vine on it. Then he saw a slimy Northern Pike which was 45 inches long. Soon, Cardinal had made his goal, he made it to Hudson Bay! He saw some juicy cloudberries and some lichens on the ground. Then he saw polar bear cubs and a white arctic fox. Cardinal was happy he made his goal, Hudson Bay.
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