Canoe 22RD0309

My canoe Rainbow Dreamboat is rainbow painted and it likes houses, tractors, old trucks, and big rigs. It floated gently along the Tongue River through the town of Akra. Rainbow Dreamboat saw an Evergreen tree, some moss, plankton, and Screech Owls on its way through Cavalier and Bathgate. When he came to the town of Pembina, Rainbow Dreamboat floated onto the Pembina River where he saw Blue Jays, Red Bats, Purple Loosestrife, and June Berry bushes. At Emerson, Rainbow Dreamboat was in the Red River and saw about 40 White-Tail deer, about 7 Turkeys, some Native Prairie Grass, and some Riverbank Grapes. In Winnipeg, Rainbow Dreamboat joined Lake Winnipeg where he saw Vultures, Bald Eagle, Forbs, and Chokecherry Trees. On the Nelson River Rainbow Dreamboat saw Fox Squirrels, Kingfishers, American Cranberry Trees, and Currant trees. When he got to Hudson Bay, Rainbow Dreamboat saw some Arctic Foxes, and a Brown Bear near the bank. He also saw an Orange Water Lily, and Spruce Bushes as he floated by. Rainbow Dreamboat had finally made it.
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