Hi! My name is Paddle and I'm taking a journey from The Sandhill River to Hudson Bay.
Here I start at The Sandhill River
I hear the river flowing in the nice sunny day
Here I start to Hudson Bay
I'm in the water
It feels real good
I hope I make it
I really do.
I see some fish
They look at me strangely
Then take off when they think I'll eat them
The current is rushing at me very hard right into a rock
It cracks me in half--almost all the way!
Then I tip over
I canՉt see anything
I can only hear the river rushing very quickly and coyotes howling like crazy
I notice that I am moving way more quickly than I was before
When I can see again I notice that there is a huge tornado storm
Then everything goes black.
**4 years later**
I can see again
And I notice IՉm not near where I started
Everything is different
Then I know where I am...HUDSON BAY!!!