Canoe 24RD0378

My canoe will make it all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. I hope it sees my friend's canoe and meets Arctic animals. Along the way my canoe's journey will be scary but fun. My canoe will explore through all the seasons. When it becomes winter my canoe will freeze in the river for weeks and weeks and weeks until it becomes spring. Then my canoe will see the flowers blooming and the birds chirping and it will be a warm spring. In summer my canoe will see a big beaver dam it has no idea how to get around it It is stuck on of of the logs for day. But then he sees a turtle and the turtle gives it a ride around the dam. When he gets around it the turtle decides to continue the journey with Taylor. And by the way my canoe is named Taylor. On no It is getting cold I think it is becoming fall. By this time my canoe is at Lake Winnipeg. Taylor sees many pumpkin farms right now. Taylor escapes Lake Winnipeg and continues it's jourmey with Turtlw. Now it is winter but this winter is a little bit different it doesn't snow until late February. Then Taylor gets stuck in the water agian. Now it's getting warmer and it is spring and the ice is melting and Taylor is not stuck anymore. Here comes a big waterfall and Taylor and Turtle are about to fall. Ahhhh The fall was so scary and mow we finally reached the Atlantic Ocean. Yay This journey will be so exciting for my canoe. I hope what I wrote actually happens that would b e so cool.
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