Chapter 1.Hi my name is Pom Pom.The first thing I knew was I was thrown into the Tongue River in Akra North Dakota.Then I got to Cavalier North Dakota. Then I got to Bathgate. On my journey I will be going to the Atlantic Ocean. I was flowing through the water and I saw many cottonwood trees. Soon it was night time and I saw an eastern screech owl. The water got really calm during the night time .Next thing you know it was morning.I also saw a plankton and then 19 minutes later I saw a riverbank grape.The owl came and scooped me upand then we were in the air for a while. Then the next thing I knew was it was morning.
Chapter 2. It was morning and I was resting on a rock and then I went in the water and as you may think well the water washed me off the rock into water and then I was in the Pembina river in Pembina. But then I saw a northern pike fish and not just that I also saw a chub on my way through the water.I saw a box elder tree and 4 minutes later I saw a aspen tree and I have been seeing so many things on my journey to the Atlantic Ocean this is such a good journey so far but besides the screech owl taking me out of the water.
Chapter 3.I have been in the water for 2 days and I am having so much fun but now I am on the Red river. I am in the city of Emerson . I am still in the water waiting. I saw a Green ash tree but then I saw a mink.I have been in the Red river for a while but now I just saw a currant floating in the water and I just saw a turkey vulture. But now it is 900 at night.
Chapter 4.Night has passed and now today I am in Lake Winnipeg. Right once I hit Lake Winnipeg I spotted an orange spotted chub.It has been 1 hour and I just saw a bittersweet vine really close to me not just that. I also saw a bur oak tree not just that I also saw a carp fish all at once I was amazed.It has been sooo fun on my journey to the Atlantic ocean it is going to be so fun once I get there.Soon it was night time.
Chapter 5. The next day I made it to the Nelson river and it was so cool. I saw somebody on a boat by a chokecherry bush and it was cool. I thought and thought I was really scared but what if they took me or caught me in a net I was scared.This is scary so I am going towards an elm tree and I just saw a bald eagle.2 hours later and I am still in the Nelson river and I saw a hunter and it looked like they were hunting for deer.Soon it was sunset and I am getting tired so I might take a nap.I fell asleep for 3 hours and it was dark.
Chapter 6.Well it is morning and I am in Hudson Bay and I will be here for a little bit but I don't care I am having fun on this long journey to the atlantic ocean.I just saw my first tree near the water and it was an iron wood tree not just that while I saw that I also saw a juneberry bush.Oh no I am stuck in the bush and I see so many rats. I do not do not like rats the are so gross.Finally somebody came but it looked like they were fishing but they took me out with a net near the corner of the bush and now I am safe but we keep seeing so much raptors in the sky.Soon it will be night and a new day.Today was really wild I mean wild I got stuck in a bush saw many animals.Finally it is night I shall go to bed now.
Chapter 7.Good Morning I am in the Atlantic Ocean. Today is a new day. Let's hope I have a good day. I just saw a polar bear. I have never seen one before. That is so surprising because I don't live by the Atlantic Ocean.Probably because I used to live in North Dakota.Right now I am currently by a woodbine vine.I am still in the Atlantic Ocean I see some ice and not only that I also see a musk ox.To be honest I am getting lonely once in a while but I still have all the animals with me so I am not lonely. I am in the water still. OUCH I just hit an ice chunk in the water.Well that hurt wait what is that kind of tree.I shall go see it is a bur oak tree. Well this journey was really fun.I got to see so many animals on this journey not only that I got to see so many plants.This is the best journey ever and this is my first time ever going on a journey.I am so happy I made it to the Atlantic ocean that is one of my goals and I competed it I made it to the Atlantic Ocean.