Canoe 24RD0035

We are off to a good start by first traveling down the Tongue River. Hi I am Koda. My mission is to get to the Atlantic Ocean and maybe travel more after that. The first city I see is Akra North Dakota. It might take a few minutes before I see the next city which is Cavalier and then Bathgate. I see many plants and animals there. I will name a few. I saw a green ash tree and a box elder tree. Oh no I fell over. I'm in the water but I see a walleye. It swam right next to me and flipped me over. I saw a raccoon scurrying up a tree. Then I saw my first sunset. It is so pretty I love it. It is now morning. Now Im in the Pembina River. I see an aspen tree and an iron wood. I am so excited I see a wood duck and her baby ducks. They are so cute. Oh no the ducks are swimming this way Ahhh Oh shoot I fell over again and now I see a yellow perch. Weeee Down the river we go splash Ow It hurts A stick poked me Now someone picked me up and now they are pointing something at me. It was bright and flashed at me but now Im back in the water. Let's go We are now in the Red River. Ahh What is this on the tip of the boat Is this the root of a tree Im going to guess it is a bur oak or cottonwood root but that is just a guess it could be anything. Here it is Emerson I see a beaver dam there must be a beaver Oh I see it over there it is so cute Suddenly I see a meadow where there is a whitetailed baby with its mom that is even cuter Now in Lake Winnipeg there are huge buildings here. There are these things that move all kinds of colors they are very loud and they smell too. Finally out of that city and into a forest I love chokecherries and juneberries There are turkey vultures eating the berries and they are picking on some river otters but they pushed themselves into the water. I wish I could help but it looks like they are getting up okay now. Those mean turkey vultures The Nelson River is so close to the Atlantic Ocean but we are not there right now. There are no cities around here which is nice. Again there are a lot of trees but there are grapes here too and cranberry trees. Oh I know what these are called American cranberry trees and Riverbank grapes which are the vines. A screeching owl is flying by and the wind is really strong It flipped me over just as a sunfish swam past. They are cool looking. I see some other fish and plants too but I wont name them. It took me a few days to reach here but I'm here now. It is colder here but it is closer to the arctic and we are in Hudson Bay. There are no cities again and there are not many plants or animals. There are few plants and animals. Some I see are arctic poppies and little shrub willows that are cool looking and I see a few arctic foxes in a group. woosh A beluga whale made a splash they are so cool The water is cold here too. How can they live here Brrrrrrr They are playing and making funny noises too. What a funny species. YES We are here in the Atlantic Ocean and there are a lot of waves here in the ocean. I wonder what type of animals are in the ocean Are there jellyfish and sharks and coral and .. Wait there is something tickling me it is a little soft too. Oh it is gone sweet Oh oh my There is a humpback whale a sea lion and a green sea turtle I see more in the ocean including shrimp stingrays dolphins killer whales seals walruses and so many more too. I love it and I hope I will be able to see the land again soon. I am so happy that I completed my goal See ya
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