Canoe 24RD0040

Hello it's JEB. Here is my journey it starts off in a classroom. I am being brought outside and I see a river. Im on my way to the Atlantic ocean. Then splash i'm in the river going fast and then it starts to slow down. Up ahead I see a small town It must be Bathgate. That means I'm on the Tongue river. All the box elder trees and the green ash trees surround me. Then in the distance I see a shrew eating a berry. It looks at me but then I realize that it's looking at a mink on the side of the river bank. I got tired. It was a long day. Splash I woke up then I realized that I'm on the Pembina river. Cottonwoods everywhere all around me .Under me are rainbow trout that are on the way with me. I see a family of river otters eating American cranberries then I see Pembina I got behind a falling branch. I thought that was the end but a little girl picks me up reads the thing on me and puts me back in the water i'm going. I'm on my way to Winnipeg .On the red river on the way I pass Emerson. a storm hits a big bur oak tree falls right behind me after the storm. It was late at night the eastern red bats were flying around a chokecherry bush. The paddlefish that were swimming looked beautiful on that starry night. I was fast asleep when I heard a big bang a white tailed deer got shot in the leg by a hunter. The deer tried to run but it was too late. I couldn't fall asleep I was wondering if that deer was on a journey just like me. The next day I made it to lake Winnipeg. It was quiet because it was early in the morning and all the animals were sleeping. I could hear the wind go whoosh. and then something caught my eye. It was a belted kingfisher sleeping under an aspen tree. I saw a rat near the water and down went a screech owl it ate that mouse right up. The rest of the day was boring. I saw some fish that's all for today . It's day five. I think I'm on the Nelson river in Canada. also when got here I saw a fox squirrels eating wild grapes .a turkey vulture was flying above them then the squirrels ran up a bittersweet tree. he was lucky that the vulture did not see him .the rest of the day was beautiful it was nice and warm outside I saw some birds but i did not know what they were so I keeped going on my journey. The day felt like 2x longer. It was kind of boring. I saw some fish by a log then I realized that the log was coming right to me then CRASH right into the log I went under the log and came back up the water was going really fast I could not even see where I was going. . I wound up in Hudson bay. a big animal came up to me it was a musk ox .then I realized that he was was looking at a walrus .then I looked back and remembered all the fun I had that I saw a bearberry and a Arctic willow there was a big opening I was in the Atlantic Ocean there were big boats all around me. I didn't know where to go from there. I was scared. then man picked me up and through me in the water .I was freaked out about all the new adventures I will go on all the new animals I will meet and all the new plants I will see In the end I will be ok. All my friends will make it to the Ocean so I hope my owner is happy. She would love to hear that I made it to the Ocean with my friends. I had a fun week after all that.Final my journey has come to an end for now at least it was fun being all around north America with you my friend. I hope this is not the last time I see you again. I hope you had fun like I did thank you for coming with me on my journey.
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