Canoe 24RD0058

Hi I am Shinx and I am on a mission to Hudson bay. It is finally time to go into the ocean. My maker put me in the ocean and that's when my journey began. I started on the Tongue River. The calmness of the waves made me fall asleep but shortly after I woke up I realized I was in AKRA. The sound of people made me scared. I saw the houses and I saw someone in a window and I realized a boy was staring at me. Then a few minutes later a stick reached out to grab me then I realized it was the boy I saw in the window. He reached out and grabbed me and brought me inside his house. It was wonderfully decorated. He brought me up the stairs and started playing with me. Then a few minutes later his dad asked if he wanted to go on a boat trip with him. The boy asked if he could bring me. His dad said yes. And a few minutes later they were in the boat and sailing off the boy then accidentally dropped me then I was off to continue my journey down the river. I saw a lot of grass and even a few green ash trees then I saw a beaver swimming toward me. He was huge and kinda scary. But he did nothing to me he just looked at me then swam in the opposite direction. It was getting dark and there were a lot of bugs. I then fell asleep. I woke up to the sun it was so bright that it made my eyes hurt. My whole eyes hurt. Then I saw a mink playing on the river bank. He was black with a white belly. He was running in and out the water. Then a little bit later I was on the Pembina River near cavalier I was riding down the river when I saw a few cottonwood trees. I was counting them then I fell asleep. I woke up to a cry of a bald eagle. I saw it flying over me then it swooped down and grabbed a fish out of the water then flew back up over the trees probably heading home to its nest. I was now going eastward toward Cavalier city . When I saw a wild turkey on the bank of the Pembina River it was surrounded by ironwood trees. It looked at me then looked in the opposite direction. I soon arrived on the Red River. I saw a really big willow tree when a rainbow fish swam by. Then I came up to a bunch of lily pads. they were really hard to get past. It was dark when I arrived at Emerson. I saw a lot of buildings some with the lights on. There was some light in the distance but I could not tell what it was. I fell asleep for a little while then woke up to the sound of crashing waves. I was going over a waterfall I felt myself leave the water and get plunged back into the water. That was really scary I thought to myself but soon I fell asleep and when I woke up I soon saw a school of fish when I realized it was trout. I then started counting the trout 123456789101112 fish. They were big too It was dawn when I arrived in Lake Winnipeg. I only have 2 more lakes to go through. There were a lot of basswood trees. About 5 minutes later I passed them all. Then 10 minutes later I arrived at the city of manitoba. I saw some trout a while later. Then I saw a lot of Box Elder at least 7. Then a Blue sucker swam alongside me. It followed me at least three miles then it swam away. I then arrived at the Nelson River. The waves are very strong. I saw a lot of Box Elder at least 6. I saw an eastern screech owl in one of the trees. I soon arrived at Emerson. I saw a few buildings. While I was on the river a river otter swam on its back. I then saw a group of aspen. I was on the river when I saw another waterfall. The water was going faster and faster and faster. i was so close to the waterfall. I soon went down the waterfall.into the water. Okay so after that incident i was finally in hudson bay. I saw a catfish that was very small. I passed a few bur oak trees. I soon came to the city of winnipeg i saw an anglerfish it was very scary looking. I also saw a few ironwood trees. When I finally got away from winnipeg i soon realized that i finished my journey. That was fun.
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