Canoe 24RD0059

On a beautiful Spring day. While walking the trails at Icelandic. Mr. Ricard decided to launch his canoe the Voyager. He decided the tongue river would be the perfect place to have His canoe start its journey. The canoe was launched into the tongue river With a great big splash. The Voyagers first trip is to head to Cavalier. On its journey there it passed by sandbar willows and plenty of prairie cordgrass with huckleberry grasshoppers jumping from leaf to leaf. As it moved it passed a hooded merganser with its beautiful white and black head. Continuing on its journey it headed to Pembina where it saw another gorgeous duck the Mallard with its vibrant green head. In a Grove of poplar trees surrounded by chokecherries there were raccoons busy working their hands amongst the shrubs. Making its way quickly towards the Red River in Winnipeg. It stumbled across a beaver working on its dam. Using bits from Aspen trees. It also saw a bald Eagle circling up above. While it saw bittersweet vines with its yellow berries down below. As it continued its way towards Lake Winnipeg. It came across ironwood trees with a minkscurring underneath. As Canadian geese honked and flew overhead. The purple berries of the Riverbank Grapes added a nice change in scenery. As the Voyager continued on to the Nelson River it passed by a catfish emerging from its underwater hole to see the beautiful white of the cottonwood trees and the juneberries along the side of the bank as turkey vultures sat in the trees looking for their next meal. Finally the Voyager reached the Hudson Bay where it saw dwarf birch trees and cottongrass all around. There was a moose steadily eating the grass as a snow goose flew overhead. With one final push the Voyager made its way into the Atlantic Ocean. Where it narrowly avoided getting caught in the seaweed and kelp. Only to see a friendly pod of manatees swimming together. While Orcas way off in the distance lurched ever closer. The Voyager had finally done it. It had achieved its dream of making it from small town Cavalier North Dakota all the way to the big open ocean of the Atlantic.
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