My canoe will make it all the way to Lake Superior. I hope it sees a grizzly bear and meets an old man. Along the way my canoe's journey will be crazy.
The canoe will be released on the two river. It will float and after a day get picked up by a grizzly bear. The bear will pick it up and give it to its cubs. The cubs will play with it and then drop it into the river while fishing. It will float down the river more and get caught in some weeds. A fish will swim by and knock it out of the weeds. Then the wind will pick up and blow the canoe off track into a pond. In the pond there is a man fishing. The man picks up the canoe and says A tiny canoe I'm Fred and I will put you back on your journey. Then he goes back to shore and gets in his ranger. He will drive farther down the river and put my canoe in the water. It will float farther until it gets stuck in some branches. Some beavers chew it free and then it will float down the river and make it to lake Superior.