Hi my name is Lando and my journey starts here in Enderlin North Dakota. I am thrown far out to a river that I dont know the name of. I start floating downstream and I see a bunch of deer and trees nature is beautiful. I see a tree fall over and land right beside me then I get stuck on a branch. After a long I mean long two days of waiting a beaver grabs the stick and frees me from the miniature prison. As I am floating downstream I hear a loud sound that sounds like running water. Then I see it. It is a waterfall I fall down the waterfall about twenty feet and I land capsized in the water. Then I go underwater then I come back up the right way. I have been going downstream for about a month and I have seen turtles elk crabs fish and some more beavers. Then I see a sign that says U.S Candian border so I guess that means I am going to another state I don't know. About two weeks ago I saw a sign that said Red River when the two rivers merged. Back to present day while I am floating down the river a human with a bright yellow no green jacket... I dont know for sure. Anyway this man picks me up but instead of taking me away he puts me back into the water to continue my journey. I am still floating down the not so red Red River until I see a sign that says Winnapig or is it Winnepeg I am not quite sure. I see flying things in the sky and I think they are called aeroplanes. There are a bunch of big buildings around and I see humans building a building. I think those are called cunestructiom stites but I am not sure. I float down the river through Winnapig City I think that is what the city is called. When I get out of the city there are a bunch of trees and one falls right on the river. A few days later I see a sign that says Lake Winnepeg so it is Winnepeg okay. So then I start entering Lake Winnepeg for my final weeks on this journey. I am floating down Lake Winnepeg for a few days then I see a sign for the Nelson River. I can almost taste the ocean But it doesnt taste very good and I also cant taste things. I start floating down the river but I get stuck on a branch again then get freed by a beaver again. Then I see the sign for the Hudson Bay then I see a bunch of boats and I see some walruses I see the boats starting to move then one of the boats propellers propels me towards the ocean. A few weeks later I see the final sign on my journey that says Atlantic Ocean. I float into the ocean and finish off my wonderful journey I travelled. This is the journey of the canoe named Lando goodbye.