My canoe starts off here in Enderlin at Pierce Park. My canoe starts at the Mapel River then Levis house. At Levis house my boat tips over than Levi sees this and comes outside and flips it back over. My canoe is back on its journey to the Sheyenne River. My canoe sees boats cross the river to the Red River. In the Red River my canoe sees the North Dakota to Minnesota boarder. My boat goes up north up to grand forks. Up north is the Us to Canada boarder my canoe goes through there. My canoe goes into Canada and sees many fish underneath. My canoe comes into a big city of Winnipeg and sees a good view. My canoe comes into the biggest lake yet and when my canoe comes halfway it tips over and my canoe is slowed down. My canoe still flipped over until a fisherman comes and saves it and flips it back into the water. My canoe still in lake Winnipeg sees lot of boats and fish. My canoe goes through Lake Winnipeg and goes into the Nelson River east. My boat sees a snapping turtle and lands on the turtle and the turtle gives my canoe a ride for ten minutes. And my canoe falls off the turtle and its late fall in 2025 so winter will come any day. My canoe is in the Nelson River in January snow came and that slows down my canoe. My canoe going 1.7mph under snow is tough in the middle of the Nelson River. My canoe has been in the Nelson River for three weeks and it's spring so no more snow. My canoe can go a lot faster now. My canoe is now in the water and is past the Nelson River and in Hudson Bay my boat sees other fish along the way. It's September 22 2026 and my canoe made it to the Atlantic Ocean.