I wake up and think I am in a box it's dark here there is a light from on top of it I am moving like I'm being carried. Somone opens the box some kid is standing over me. He reaches for the canoe right next to me I look down wait I'm a canoe. Another kid comes and grabs me with his grubby little hands. When he lifts me out of the box I'm in a massive room and there are a lot more kids. He brings me to his desk and grabs a red marker. Then blue green yellow until I'm all colorful. After a while he puts me back in the box and closes the top. It's cramped here with canoes on top and to the side of me. The next morning I woke up to the same thing a bunch of kids the same one picked me up. He brings me on the bus I see two signs one says Pierce Park and the maple river with two arrows pointed the same way. When we pull up to the river everyone hops out and makes a run for the river. At the edge of the river kids are either throwing gently putting down but no this kid thinks he's prime Tom Brady. Then I started to float down the river until I hit a big log. Now I'm stuck and I don't know how I'm going to get out of here. The current sweeps me off my feet and I go flying down the river like I'm a spaceship. I look down and there are two massive catfish under me just chilling. I'm looking around and see a house and a kid is sitting there and he looks at me and stares at me. Im floating down the river the maple river breaks off into another I dont know what this one is called but I go down it anyway. It's a lot faster than the maple and there is a bridge and on top of it is a sign that says Sheyenne River. After a week or so nothing happened until I saw a sign that said Red River this one was going a completely different direction. I don't know where I'm going but I think it will be worth the trip. I keep going ang going down this river until I get stuck in a fishing net. An old man picks me up and puts me in his boat then he just looks at me I do not know what that kid drawn on me but he laughs and puts me in his boat. He turned on the motor and started flying down the river where we had to go slow around beaver dams. I think we ran over a log because there was a big bump and I got sent flying to the riverbed but the old guy just kept going. I don't think he noticed. I'm drifting down the river. I see a big bridge and it goes through a big city. Going down the canal there is a lot of noise from both cars people talking dogs barking. On the wall of the wall of the canal it says Grand Forks North Dakota. I keep drifting down the river and I think I've been going down this river for a long time. I'm just floating down the river then I see something move out of the corner of my eye. I can't really look around I start to hear the water splash and then a beaver comes in front of me ang starts smelling me then CHOMP he took a bite out of me He must not like the waycolored markers taste he will hear from my lawyer grand forks must be really big cause I've going down this canal for a long time. There is probably an East Grand Forks or witch ever way I'm going. That would explain why I've been going down this canal for like a year. A few months later there is a big bridge and people in a boat one of the people in the boat grab me search me and put me back in the water and I keep floating down the river and I smell maple syrup wait am I am I in Canada that would explain the smell of maple syrup and why I was searched. I kept floating and floating down the river for a long time I got stuck on the riverbank so I waited and waited and waited until the river rose and took me with it. I keep going down and then I wonder where I am going. There is this town or city and it is Winnipeg because I have seen signs saying 12 miles to Winnipeg. A day goes by and I end up in a big lake. I get caught in a fishing net from a boat and it tacks me across the lake. When they stop and check the net they pull me out and throw me in a new river. I look to my right and see a sign that says nelson river best fishing spot around. There is an even bigger lake and another sign Hudson Bay. Alot more floating later a massive lake big enough to be an ocean it is an ocean I've made it I've made it to the Atlantic.