Canoe 23RD1600

Hi my journey begins in the Middle River in Argyle MN. My name is Joey JR. I hope to make it to the Hudson Bay. Im flowing down the Middle River and see a fox. The fox sees me and tries to eat me. The fox got into the river but the current was too strong for the fox. I got stuck on a fallen tree branch and I was stuck for 2 days. Then a farmer sees me and moves the tree branch so I start moving again. Now Im in the Snake River. It is getting dark outside and I cant see anything. The next week winter came around and froze the river so Im stuck on the ice. I hope it wont be a long time until I start moving again. A couple of months go by and Im still stuck and I havent seen any animals. Im getting bored because Ive been stuck and want the ice to melt. Two months later the ice has melted and Im happy to be moving again. Im almost to the Red River and see a lot of fish. The next couple of days I still didn't see anything and I was getting very bored. Im almost to Lake Winnipeg and finally see a coyote hunting for fish in the water. The coyote doesn't notice me in the water. With the help of a really strong current Ive made it to Lake Winnipeg. The next week I made it to Hudson Bay.
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