Hi my name is Sunset and my journey begins in the Middle River in Argyle MN. I have been in the Middle River for about 2 days now. Its been 2 months now and I am in the Snake River. I got stuck on a log for 3 weeks but now I am not. It's Summer and there is a nice breeze. I see a bunch of animals like deer fish beavers rabbits. I was almost to the Snake River until a human picked me up. They brought me down the Snake River to the Red River. Its fall so the weather is getting cooler. Not that it is winter and Im frozen in the ice and cant move until spring. The ice has melted and its been a year since I left Argyle. 11 months have gone by and I finally get to Lake Winnipeg. Its very beautiful The birds keep pooping on me its so gross. The leaves on the trees are beautiful and there is a nice breeze but its starting to get chillier outside. Before I know it its fall. Im halfway through the Nelson River and Im so close to Hudson Bay. Six months later I have finally made my destination. I can see for miles and miles. Im getting picked up by humans again and they are taking me away. I have completed my journey.