As I float down the river dry land starts to turn into lush green forest treesI start to see more wildlife and plantlife. As I keep floating down the river the water underneath me starts to pick up pace.As it pulls me into a current I start to spin quickly hitting rocks and getting caught in weeds. Finally the water seems to be getting much slower as it brings me to a slow pace.As i keep floating along the green scenery starts to turn once more to a more dry and dusty scene. I am starting to reach the farmland where I see livestock barns and tractors as I move slowly along the ditch. It seems to take forever as I keep floating waiting to see the dry land turn back into lush green. Finally I find the current which leads me back into the forest land And just like last time the water picks up and slows down leaving my canoe with many dents. As I see the bay looking almost within reach my boat changes to a downward angle as I flow into the bay. It seems more open then the forest and farmland reaching for miles it seems.I wonder where else I will go as the current pulls me out into the ocean.