Canoe 23RD0448

I have many hopes and dreams for my canoe. ItՉ€™s name is the Polar Bear and I hope right when it hits the river it sees a channel catfish flying past it. A few days later, it will see bunnies running in wheat fields and playing games with each other. I hope almost a month later, it will see an old man and three kids sitting in lawn chairs and holding stick-like figures. When the Polar Bear gets closer, it will see that those stick-like things are fishing rods. The Polar Bear saw the man lift up his rod, with a big northern pike on the line. They smiled at each other. But, the Polar Bear just kept moving on. Soon he will be flying down a stream past Norman, and seeing chokecherry tree after chokecherry tree. One will fall off the branch and land right next to him. Then 3 months later the Polar Bear will hit Grand Forks. Not far after that a bald eagle will circle over the Polar Bear and dive down right next to him and grab a large mouth bass. He will be so surprised. Almost an hour later, he see white tailed deer running in maple trees with surf scoters flying over the trees. With the sun shining through the trees it will be beautiful. The forest will feel alive! The Polar Bear will think. Now the Polar Bear will almost be to Kittston and Sturgeon will be swimming under him. He will be so scared. Almost a year later, the Polar Bear will get to Emerson, past the USA border. He will see people leaving Canada and going back to Canada. He could not get close enough, before he would be swept away by the current. Only minutes after that, the Polar Bear will see blue jays soaring over him. 2 years later, the Polar Bear will reach Winnipeg, and before he knows it he will be in Lake Winnipeg with otters swimming around him. 2 months later, he will be in the Nelson River floating by the banks. 6 years later the Polar Bear will be in Hudson Bay with real polar bears all around him. He will be in his paradise and have found his final destination.
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