Canoe 23RD0484

My canoe's name is Ghost 1. I hope it takes a fun Journey to reach its destination in the Atlantic Ocean. When we launch our canoes I hope mine will be able to go freely up the Red River and pass Moorhead and Grand Forks. Outside of Grand Forks it will see an Apple Tree.When it passes Grand Forks I'm hoping it will pass a soybean field while floating on the river. On the way it will see many animals like deer, squirrels and rabbits. On its way up the Red it will pass Walsh and Kittson. As Ghost 1 continues to make its way up the Red River I hope it stops somewhere for a little bit where it will see river trout and a woodpecker. After it stops on the bank of the Red River for a little it will be freed by a beaver and it will continue its journey. across the Canadian border and into Winnipeg where it will see oak trees. From there it will continue until Lake Winnipeg where it gets caught in a fishing net with some walleye. The curious fishermen will pick it up out of the net and they will see that there is a code on it and a website that it will go to that website and they will log their finding and then I will be able to see where it is. After that I'm hoping it will continue down the Nelson River into Hudson Bay. In the bay I hope to see many creatures such as wolves, polar bears, arctic foxes and some penguins and a shark. I hope that a Beluga whale will swallow it and pick it up in its mouth. The game is food and then swim out into the ocean from there. I'm hoping that the beluga whale will spit it out of his mouth and then it will be able to surface and continue its journey. After a while it will complete its journey to the Atlantic ocean.
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