Canoe 23RD0279

I would want my boat to travel to the Atlantic Ocean and someone report it. I want my boat to meet all kinds of animals. I would like my boat to have color and make my boat to be unique. I will want my boat to go out of the country. I want other people to know about the river of dreams because it is a cool experience. I want my boat to see Fargo. While it is in Fargo, I want my boat to see a Neiborhood. After that it while see a nice, good park and it will see kids playing in it. I want my boat to go through the border of North Dakota and Minnesota. After Fargo, my boat will see deer and even a baby deer. I want my boat also to see nice fresh green grass along the stream.Թ Then my boat will see a whole bunch of towns. I hope my boat can get through all of them. Then, after all those towns, my boat reached Winnipeg. When it is in Winnipeg my boat will go through another park. At the park, my boat might take a rest so someone can take a picture of it and put it on the river of dreams. Then there is a garden and in that place my boat will get to see all kinds of flowers. Then my boat will go through Lake Superior, and it is a big lake but not as big as the great lakes. Then my boat makes it to the great lakes. I hope my boat will see a whole bunch of fish. When it sees the fish, it better run before they might eat him. Then My boat made it to the great lakes all five of them. My boat better so it does not get stung. Then my boat is almost toԹ the Atlantic Ocean. Then my boat might carry some creatures who are also going to the Atlantic Ocean. Then my boat makes it to the Atlantic Ocean. My boat might see some crazy scary sharks. Then my boat will make it to a rest point and that is my journey.Թ 
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