Canoe 23RD0280

What I want my canoe to see is, I want my canoe to see animals like polar bears, arcticԹ foxes, racoons, fish, and other animals. I want my canoe to make it to Hudson Bay. I want my canoe to have a great journey down the rivers. I want my canoe to meet different people along its journey.I want my canoe to have an amazing journey across the rivers. I want my canoe to meet animals. I want my canoe to get down the river safely. I hope my canoe does not get eaten by any animals. I donՉ€™t want people to take my canoe and keep it. I want them to put it safely back in the water. I want my canoe to see a shark on its journey. I want my canoe to see the world. I want my canoe to travel across the ocean. I hope my canoe does not end up stuck in a beaver's dam. I hope my canoe does not become firewood for someone. I hope my canoe gets to travel across the world. I donՉ€™t want my canoe to break in half. I hope my canoe does not become a toy for a kid that finds it. I want my canoe to make it to the ocean. I want my canoe to have an amazing adventure across the rivers. I hope my canoe sees a bear on its way to Hudson Bay.I want my canoe to have an amazing journey down the river. I hope my canoe has an awesome time down the river. I hope my canoe sees a wolf on its journey. I hope my canoe has an amazing journey to the ocean. I hope my canoe does not end up as a stick in a beaver's dam. I hope my canoe has a safe and fun journey to Hudson Bay.Թ 
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