Canoe 23RD0281

My canoe will go to the sea. Great is how its journey will be. It will see animals. It will see bees. Its journey is not up to me. I want my canoe to go through a stream and meet some deer. I would like it if a few people helped my canoe on its way to Hudson Bay. I hope it goes far, maybe to another continent, like Ireland, the U.K or even Norway! I hope lots of people report seeing my canoe on its journey to the sea. I hope it will make it, if not to another continent, or to the ocean, to Canada. However, I highly doubt that my canoe will move much at all. It would take a lot of luck for it to leave Enderlin, and it would take a lot moreԹ to get it toԹ Canada.Թ Canada is 756 miles away, and the ocean is even farther! Knowing my luck, it would get eaten by a beaver, stuck in a tree, or stolen away from the river. These probabilities will not stop me from hoping that my canoe will go far. I want my canoe to make its way down the Sheyanne River. Perhaps it will be as though the book, Paddle to the Sea, and go far along, helped by many, saved by some, and having multiple adventures along the way. I hope it will not become stuck on a stick or a branch, so it will continue along its way. I hope my canoe will keep on moving for at least 2 years. I want my design to last long, so people can pick up my boat and still see the designs and theԹ hard work put into my canoe. I want it to move swiftly, yet carefully, down the rivers, so as not to harm it. I am hoping for results on where my boat ended up quickly. This is what I am hoping for my little canoe. IՉ€™m hoping that you can help makeԹ some come true.Թ 
Dec 22, 2024
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View May 29, 2023 Brett
View May 29, 2023 Brett