Canoe 23RD0343

Hi! My name is Chib Bob. I want to see a dog, cat, cow,and tees! I am going to see more trees! I am going to Goose River! I gotta go. Hi, I want to see if I can find my canoe (chib bob) in the woods at my Bff home. Chib bob is back so Bye. I hope you put me back in the river cause I'm going to the Atlantic Ocean. I want to see a manatee, axolotl, people, goat, fish and I want to see cheese. I want to see a zoo. I start at Goose River then Red River then Winnipeg Lake. After that I will travel to Nelson River then Hudson Bay and finally the Atlantic Ocean. I hope you have a great day! I want to make people smile. Do you like my name Chib bob?
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