Hello my name is Blossom and I'm on a Very Important Journey.Im on a Mission to make it across the World.I am Gonna be brave!And I may be a canoe but THIS CANOE IS A BRAVE CANOE.Soo now I will tell you where I will be going.So I'm going tobe crossing from Hillsboro through Fargo,Grand Forks Until I reach Texas my home Town.I gotta have some faith in me! Wish me luck on this Journey!So IF YOU FIND ME PUT ME BACK INTO THE WATER IMMEDIATELY.Now on my great beautiful trip I do want to see some Animals Likee Tigers!Or maybe some Baby Animals?Cubs?Well I just wanna see some Animals that no one discovered.Then I'll report it and then get rich >:)But really I want cool things that's all to ask for.I want to see my town,remember my life and Enjoy it. Is that so much to ask for?And maybe just maybe I'll meet up with my owner a part of my life.Now wish me luck because i have a big adventure ahead of me!Hope i get through it safely.And I want to see my grandma to see my step grandpa.I believe in me.I feel proud,brave and strong.If you find me well I hope you like my design put me back into the water and need to go explore more.Now I have to make it.Or I am gonna make it I just know it so wish me luck And have a good rest of your morning/afternoon/night and thank you again.