Canoe 18RD0167

Ski U Mah- My canoe will see quite the journey. There are many people in the world deprived to know the way of the Golden Gopher. My canoe will seek to teach more people about the true meaning of Ski U Mah. Each stream my canoe passes on they will bring smile and joy. Maroon and Gold will be passed along and each person, animal, fish, and tree that my canoe meets will live more joyously. Whether my canoe travels to Lake Winnipeg or to the Great Lakes or makes it to the Atlantic Ocean, I know my canoe will bring joy to all that it meets. Bring on the saw mills, the lumber jacks, the bears, the moose, and most of all the Hawks. My canoe will conquer all obstacles. It will be quite the journey and if you meet my canoe, please give it the opportunity to bring joy to more people in the world!
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