My canoe, Shelly, will be launched in the Maple river during the springtime. ItՉll have a rough start with the ice chunks, but it still will make it to the Sheyenne River. When Shelly is in the Sheyenne River it sees deer, birds, and a little girl named Ava. Ava picks up Shelly and wonders why a little canoe is in the Sheyenne River. She brings Shelly inside her house to search up why there is a little canoe in the Sheyenne River. Ava finds a website that says all the information she needs. She puts in ShellyՉs code and where she found it with a picture. The next day she put Shelly back in the Sheyenne River to continue its journey.
Shelly makes it out of the Sheyenne River and into the Red River. When Shelly is in the Red River it is Summer time. Shelly sees all kinds of animals. She also sees an old man named Larry. He is in a big canoe. Larry picks up Shelly and looks at the way it was painted. Larry also remembers when he put his own little canoe in the Red River. After he is done looking at the it was painted he put Shelly back into the water.
When Shelly gets to Winnipeg she is spotted by a little girl named Mia. Mia picks up Shelly and shows Shelly to her mom. She asks her mom if she can keep Shelly. MiaՉs mom thinks about it and then says ՉSureՉ. They take Shelly to their house and Mia shows her dad what she found in the river. MiaՉs dad says Չ let me see that quick.Չ He goes over to his computer and puts in the website that is on Shelly. He puts in Shelly's code. When he is done he gives Shelly back to Mia. When Mia gets Shelly back she heads for her room to put Shelly on her self. That is where Shelly finishes her journey.