Canoe 23RD0505

I launched my canoe Rosie at the Maple River. First, it will flow through the Maple, then Sheyenne, and then the Red River. In the Maple River Joey saw a black dot in the river. It was stuck in some garbage so Joey had to stick out his hand and grab it. He made Rosie clean from all the gunk and dirty water. Joey let Rosie back in the river to flow into the Sheyenne. When she was in the Sheyenne River she saw a bird. The bird looked friendly but it was not. The bird grabbed Rosie and they were in the air. The bird dropped her and she landed in a sink in a cabin, where a guy was doing dishes. When he saw her he picked her up and put her in his shed. When she was waiting for him he was washing his hands. He told her that his name was Jake. Rosie liked his name and wanted to become friends with him. Sooner or later he had to take her and put her back in the river. He let her spend the night in his shed, and in the morning he let her go back in the river. She was scared that when she was in his sink he would dry her and put her in his campfire, but no he did not do that. He ate breakfast and put her back into the river. When she was in the Red River she saw a little fox. The fox looked kind and she was very kind. When the fox saw Rosie she looked confused like she didnՉ€™t know what she was, but the fox didnՉ€™t care she just walked away. Rosie got to Lake Winnipeg. She saw a moose and was confused about what it was. It was so big that she thought it was going to stomp on her and crush her life, but thankfully it didnՉ€™t. The moose was just eating some grass. When she got into HudsonBay she was so tired. She was so excited to get into the Bay. Rosie was flowing into the Atlantic Ocean and was excited.
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