My journey to Hudson Bay
Hi there, my name is Lily. This is a story about how my friend Emily and I made it to Hudson Bay. We were painted by a little girl then her class let us go in the Sand Hill river and we were off. I would miss that little girl, but Emily was right beside me. We were going for a while but we made it to Beltrami. It was cool but then a hand picked me and Emily UP! It was a boy about 12 years old. He took a picture and put us back in the river. We were back on our way a few days later and we made it to the Red River. It was full of life there were bunnies and deer. It was cute but we were on a journey on where we must go. The trip North took many weeks. I was as tired as a sloth but then we finally made it to Grand Forks. And then I saw a little canoe. He was red and blue and a little cute too. ՉHey, who is that?Չ I asked. ՉI think that is Tanner from the other class,Չ said Emily. ՉHi, can you help us please? We have been here for 3 days. We are tired and cold. We want to make our Journey to Hudson Bay.Չ ՉWe are on our way there. Do you want to come with us?Չ asked Tanner. ՉYes, that would mean a lot to me thank you.Չ I said. ՉWhatՉs your name? My name is Lily and this is my friend EmilyՉ I said. ՉHi,Չ said Tanner. A couple months later we made it to Winnipeg. Tanner and I were getting pretty close and then we looked back. WHERE IS EMILY? I was so sad I was so focused on Tanner that I completely forgot Emily. My life was ruined. Tanner comforted me and told me that I might see her at Hudson Bay. Weeks went past without Emily. We made it to Nelson river then the unthinkable happened. I saw Emily! I shrieked with joy. ՉEmily! Emily!Չ I called and she looked around and then she saw me! I was so close but men picked Emily up on a Boat. I was engaged. I told Tanner to buckle up. I lost her once, IՉm NOT EVER AGAIN! So I rode the river so fast I almost lost Tanner. Faster and faster we went and then Tanner said stop. I told him we need to keep going because I canՉt lose her again. Tanner took care of me for weeks and weeks and then we made it to Hudson Bay. I was so happy and as I was swimming around a couple days later there in the distance I saw Emily and that was a happily ever after. THE END!