Paddle to the Sea
It all started in the Sand Hill River
I go down the stream until a stick is in the way
the stick is like a barrierՉ»ՉWhy is this like that?!Չ
the stick moves forward and so do I
IՉm off with the stick to Beltrami
I see an animal, a sad, stray dog
I also see a bird above me,
ՉHey! what are you doing?Չ
IՉm in Beltrami. Wow! ItՉs cool!
I see Bennett, thatՉs also cool
he picks me up and says,
ՉOhhh! You look identical to LiamՉs canoe!
ThatՉs nice! I better tell him the next time I see him!
Time to put you back in the water!Չ
He puts me back in the water.
and I'm out of Beltrami.
Hey! That was quick, very quick
and I'm going into the Red River
Whee! This is very fun!
I crash into a rock.
Then a log and then a stick! ՉThe stick!Չ
and now IՉm heading very close to Grand Forks.
IՉm now in Grand Forks.
and then I say, ՉWow! This place is so cool!Չ
but then something catches my eye
it is an angry cloud
Rain starts to fall.
Everybody runs in their houses
I am going into Winnipeg
Wait! Somebody is fishing and he catches me.
ՉWhatՉs this?Չ says the elderly man
He puts me down and fishes for an hour
Finally he is done
ՉWell wait! WhatՉs this?
Put it back in the water to continue his journeyՉ»
Well, ok!Չ
and IՉm back in the water
and here I amՉ»Winnipeg
I go through Winnipeg
and off to the Nelson River and off I go
Wait! Is that the stick!?
ThatՉs crazy! Wait! Is that a rock?
I get hit again. ՉThat hurt.Չ
Then I get to Hudson Bay
and a while later, the ocean.
Then I get fished by a person in a boat.
The boat is as big as an elephant!
And right now IՉm in the boat!
and thatՉs the end for now.