Canoe 22RD1639

WoorlՉ€™s Dream: Hi! My name is Woorl. I started my journey at Clearwater Dam. I want to end my journey in the Atlantic Ocean. When I started I felt lonely. A few hours after feeling lonely I saw a huge fish in the river jumping and splashing me so much. It was amazing watching the huge fish jump in the water and do really cool tricks in the air. When the fish left I was lonely, again. So I was just chillinՉ€™ when I saw a long log coming my way. I tried to move but I couldnՉ€™t and it pushed me over and I was upside down until a thunderstorm came and frightened me. Then a few days later a child came to my canoe. I saw he brought a toy boat. He played with me for a little while. After he was done playing with me he brought me to his parents boat. His parents called his name then thatՉ€™s when I found out his name was Չ€œErikՉ€. Then his dad said, Չ€œWhat did you find there, Erik?Չ€ Erik said, Չ€œI found this canoeՉ€! His dad said, Չ€œOoh nice can you let me see it?Չ€ Erik said, Չ€œYea,Չ€ then Erik gave it to him and ran off to play. His dad read it and I heard him read it. It said, Չ€œHi, my dream is to make it to the Atlantic Ocean. Please put me back into the water!Չ€ His dad yelled, Չ€œErik!Չ€ Erik came running. His dad said, Չ€œWe have to bring this canoe to Hudson Bay.Չ€ Erik smiled and agreed! They took me to Hudson Bay and I had made it to the end of my journey.
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