Canoe 22RD1655

SunsetՉ€™s Dream: Hi, my name is Sunset and I started my journey at the Clearwater River. My first stop is the Red River. ItՉ€™s a big river and I was so lonely. Then I saw a moose and it tried to eat me! I passed through Lake Winnipeg. I passed many other rivers along the way and I got so scared because I got stuck. I got stuck on a rock. There was a frog and it got me out. It scared me being stuck because I thought I was going to be stuck forever. I got over it but it was funny when the frog helped me. I was sad for a couple of miles. I saw lots of flowers and they were beautiful so that cheered me up. I love the smell of flowers. My journey finally ended when I made it to Hudson Bay and the Atlantic Ocean! I am so excited to see what is next.
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