Canoe 22RD1658

Sadiee's Dream: Hi I am Saidee and I hope I will see fish and beaver on my trip. I hope my journey will take 2 years. I hope I will make it to Lake Winnipeg. Oh I see a beaver and they are building a home. I have been going for a month now. I saw a deer drinking water and I just got stuck in its mouth but he spit me out. I made it through three rivers and this has been a good ride. We are still going. I started at the Clearwater River Dam in Clearbrook. Someone picked me up. I don't have much paint on me. I see that he is painting me. I thought that was nice of him. He finally put me back in the water. It has been 4 years now. I thought it would take 2 years. I met a frog friend, Jeremiah. I have seen beaver, fish, and frogs. My journey has been awesome. I saw a moose eating grass. It has been another year. There are 12 dogs, it looks like they are being chased by wolves. That was scary for me but I am just fine. I think we are coming to the end of my journey. I finally made it to the ocean. My trip was great.
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