SunsetՉs Deam: Hi, my name is Sunset. I started off at the Clearwater River Dam. I am trying to make it to the Atlantic Ocean. Right now I am at the Red Lake River. Hey what is that? Ahhhh itՉs moving! Oh, it's a deer. Oooooo, I am going faster! Look at me go! Oh, no I am stuck on a fallen log. After a week I finally got out. This trip is taking a long time. After a while my paint started to chip off. On the way I met a beaver whose name is Bob. Bob swam by me for about five minutes. Then he got tired and moved on. I saw a loon and some trees. I also saw a bear and an elk along with lots of fish and an otter. Oh, I am almost there! I think I am 2 years old. Wait a minute is that Չ»Չ»Չ» Bob, where have you been?! I think I need to talk to Bob. Well maybe you will see me in the ocean. And if you see me on my journey remember to put me back in the water.