First I launch my boat, Potter, in the Red River in East Grand Forks, MN. I said goodbye and Չ» off he went starting his wild journey. Oh no a fox picked him up and ran away. The fox got scared by an eagle and the fox dropped Potter. Later it started to flood and the water threw Potter back into the river. A kid found him and brought him to his house. His dad said, ՉWe should wash him up and put him back in the river.Չ So the kid brought him to the sink to wash him up and all the mud fell off Potter. Then he put Potter back in the water. Somone was throwing rocks and ՉSplash!Չ a rock landed on Potter. Plop! Then he gets stuck in the sea weed. When all seems lost for Potter a beaver comes down to free Potter. He chews and chews and chews. Yah! Potter finally thinks to himself, ՉIՉm almost at Hudson Bay.Չ Oh no an eagle picks Potter up. Luckily the boy who was throwing rocks saw this, he picks up a rock and threw a rock at the eagle. The eagle drops Potter. Yay, the boy has saved Potter. Finally Potter lands in Hudson Bay.