My canoe will see lots of things and it will go to lots through forests and farms. It will see lots of fish like Walleye, Pirch, and Pike. It might make it to Hudson Bay or it might only make it to lake Winnipeg. I really hope it goes to France then Spain. My canoe will take a ten year journey to get there. I hope lots of people see it. I hope they write their name on it. That is the theme of my boat. On my canoe it will say, Չ You found me, Put me back in the water because I am on my way to Hudson Bay but first write your name on me. If you find me in the winter, wait for the water to melt before you put me backՉ. My canoe's design is a light blue background with a lot of smiley faces. I hope the weather is nice for my canoe. My canoe will meet a shark. I hope the shark doesn't eat my canoe. Some sea animals are not nice. I hope my canoe doesnՉt have to deal with those types of animals. My canoe will also meet a jellyfish. When my canoe gets to the Hudson Bay. I really hope it gets to the ocean or lake Winnipeg. Mostly I hope it has fun and goes far.