My canoe will make it all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. I hope it sees a beluga whale and a deer and meets lots of people. Along the way, my canoeՉs journey will be exciting and scary. It will be exciting because itՉs awesome to travel to different places. It's also going to be scary because my canoe will flip over, get stuck in a marsh, get picked up by a little boy witch he takes to his mom she tells him to put it back so he walks slowly towards the water he puts it back in the slow moving water through his tears he said,ՉՉgoodbye little boatՉՉ and slowly he drifted away as the little boy waved. Down the river the current starts to pick up faster and faster it goes until oh-no he flips over and he gets stuck in a marsh. A while later a buck comes to the marsh curious about the canoe. Then the buck got spooked and bumps into the canoe and off he goes again until he hit the frozen lake finds another canoe but then suddenly a rabbit zooms by him then a fox comes right behind the rabbit breaking the ice then my canoe starts sliding it bumps into the other canoe breaking it free from the ices grip they both start sliding on the ice then they get stuck again. Until spring they sat there for many days and nights until the finally melts it goes down a stream leading to a river then after a very long and exciting journey my canoe finally makes it to the Atlantic Ocean!!!!!